Monday, February 1, 2010

Blog 3

The event took place on Friday night, after attending the entire event “An Evening of Latin Music”; I decided to write about the music “Suite”. The composer of the music was of French origin. I would like to classify all the performances that evening to be that of Art Music according to the 3 division of Music. From my knowledge I was able to come to the conclusion that the piano was used as harmony for the songs played. One the other hand the violin and the clarinet would take turns playing the melody. During the course of the performance I noticed that the melody played various types of melody. The three different types of melody I noticed were that of homophony, heterophony, and polyphony. The performers were from the University of Texas at Dallas Faculty. Even though they had a formal appearance they did not turn out to be as formal as orchestra players. The reason this I feel is since majority of the audience consists of students, they tended to interact more with the audience by saying jokes and etc. For most part of the audience consisted of students that are taking some sort music class since it was mandatory to attend. The audience also did contain teachers, families and friends from outside UTD. Since it was held on a Friday people were eager to leave home to meet family or even relax. I witnessed a drop in interest and quantity of the audiences. In all I feel that if the program was held on working from Monday through Thursday more people would have shown interest. Making it a free for all program made it more attractive to students.

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